“We are here for sharing with others to give the blessings of Allah“
Allinma Universal was officially established on Monday February 04, 2013.
Since 1995 the founder of this company has partnered with several national and global travel companies in Umrah and Hajj services. So that the founder of PT. Allinma Universal wants to make the dreams of travelers come true.
“Becoming a trustworthy and professional travel agency that is able to realize a traveler’s dream of visiting destinations around the world”.
Penyelenggara umrah & haji khusus terakreditasi A dan
Biro perjalanan wisata tersertifikasi Permen Parekraf RI.
Paket Umrah
Paket Domestik
Paket Internasional
Paket Wisata Religi
Tiket Pesawat
Sewa Transportasi
Graha Allinma Green Junction GN-10, Jl. Bukit Palma, Citraland, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
WhatsApp : 0813-5885-1313
Instagram : allinma.ig
Facebook : allinma.fb
Tik Tok : allinmauniversal
Website : www.allinma.id
Senin - Jumat 09:00 - 17:00
Sabtu 08:00 - 14:00